
Darren is in the March issue of 'The Independent'. Click here to view the
article. Thanks Spinner for this!
Thanks Janet uploading the scan from the April issue of 'Seventeen' magazine. Click on the
picture for full the scan as well as the article.
Thank you EudialGreen01 for the following info that viewers of MusiquePlus (in Canada,
mostly in Quebec), should tune into the show 'Fax' this week because Darren will be
appearing on it. The times you can catch the show this week (all in Eastern Time) are:
-Saturday 7:30 PM
-Sunday at 3:30 & 11:30 AM
-Tuesday at 8:30 PM
-Wednesday at 4:30 AM, 3 PM & 11 PM
-Thursday at 7 AM
Thank you Helen for sharing this. On April 1st, Radio Europa Plus (the biggest
radiostation in Russia) will exclusively present Darren's solo album. They will play the
tracks from the album during the day, and will hold a competition to win an album! You can
see the announcement about it at radio's website: www.europaplus.ru. This is a listen online station, so everyone can
listen to it.
Huge thanks to Little Miss Star & Spike who got busy with their scanners to share this
lovely article about how Darren met and started collaborating with Alek Keshishian. Click
pictures for full image.
Darren is in this week's 'Pop World' with Darren featured in their Sunday Lunch column.
Thanks goes out to Little Miss StarClick for this. Click on the picture below to see the
Channel [V] International (Asia) will be airing "Asha Meets Darren Hayes" during
the month of April. This is the same interview where the clip about Darren and the Street
Teams came from. The following times are for Japan/ASTRO - consult TV guides for local
Sunday - 14/4/2k2 - 7:30 p.m
Tuesday - 16/4/2k2 - 1 p.m
Thursday - 18/4/2k2 - 6 p.m
Saturday - 20/4/2k2 - 3 p.m
Sunday - 21/4/2k2 - 11 a.m
Huge thanks to Spike for uploading the scan from the transcript with Darren in last week's
'Pop World'. Click on the picture below for full image and to read the transcript.
Darren's performance on Top of the Pops will be shown tonight at 7:00 p.m on channel BBC
America. Click here for more details.
Darren performed on the UK's Top of the Pops and Maggz has uploaded some nice TV stills.
Click here to see them!
SMH.com.au has a review of Spin on
their website. Click here
to read it.
Thanks for Savage_Dream_Angel for transcribing the interview with Darren on Columbu Ohio
Radio on March 20. Click here to read the transcript.
Go Pop Hits has an article as well as an exclusive interview with Darren. Click here to read the
article and here
for the interview.
Thanks Raimm for typing up the transcript from when Darren appeared on 'The View'
yesterday morning. Click here to read it.
Thank Dyan! Click here to see
TV stills from when Darren was on 'The View' this morning.
Thank you aya for scanning in the picture in March 28th evenings issue of Japanese
Magazine. Click on the image below for the large scan.
The UK Darren Hayes
Microsite has a downloadable Spin interactive eCard. You can get information about the
album, enter a contest, watch the insatiable video and more by visiting their websit or by
clicking on the image below ( a screenshot of the card).
Thanks Maggz for putting up the TV stills from when Darren appeared on 'MTV UK' and the
'Pepsi Chart Show'. Click here
to see the stills from MTV UK and click here to see stills from the
Pepsi Chart Show.
Ondigital has an article about
Darren. Click here
to read it.
USA Today
has Spin in the music review section of their website. Click here to read
the review.
Darren's sister, Tracy, will be running his new Fanzine from Australia. The website for
the Fanzine will be www.darrenhayesmusic.com
(it is still under construction). Darren's new fan mail address is:
Darren Hayes Fan Mail
P.O. Box 193
Queensland 4280
CDNow has an article about Darren. Click Click here to read it.
CapitalFM in the UK has Spin featured as their Album of the Week. Click here to read the
review that they have up on their website.
Click here
to read the article in the April issue of 'Seventeen Magazine'. Thank you SvgGrdnBeauty
for sharing this.
Thanks Es Senna for the info that fans in Holland may want to pick up this week's 'Glossy'
because there's something about Darren inside!
Fan have reported receiving thank you's from 'Sound World Music'. Here's what they said:
"I just wanted to thank you all for helping make the Darren
Hayes debut album "Spin" debut at Number 3 on the National Australian Album
Chart this week!! This effort was praised by the record company down here for a very
successful pre order campaign.
Thankyou, Peter Davias - Manager Sound World Music Online http://www.soundworld.com.au
Speak your mind! At Epionions.com there a page for Spin. It give the ratings and links to
reader reviews on several different sites. Click here to read the reviews
and/or add your own review.
Thank you Guynemer! Click here
to see TV stills of Darren on tonights episode of 'Herman SIC'.
Darren will be in the following articles in the UK:
Indpdt on Sun 31 Mar "How We Met" Darren Hayes and Alex
Keshishian, 1 + 1/2 page Feature
More! Magazine 3 April
TOTP Mag 3 Apr
Shout Mag 6 Apr
Culture (Wales) Apr issue
There has been a confirmation from Darren's management that he will be on 'The View' on
Thursday March 28, and it will be a live segment!
Thanks Maggz for the following info:
It has been confirmed by Sony UK that the release of Spin is
scheduled for 1 April. There will NOT be a limited edition version for the UK (even though
you could previously order one at HMV and several other online places). WHSmith, Asda and
Sanity will feature Spin as their Album of the week (free poster if you buy your copy of
Spin at WHSmith). Tesco and Asda may also feature Spin as their Album of the week (to be
confirmed - fingers crossed) If you live in Glasgow.. look out on the underground for
posters advertising Spin.
The Guestspot at DarrenHayes.com
is now up! This section highlights different people in Darren's life. Very cool.
Click here to read an
article with Darren in the March 23 issue of 'Pop World Magazine'.
Click here to read an article
from the March 22 issue of 'The West Magazine' (Perth). Thanks Kes for this article.
Darren rocketed in to take the highest debut spot this week on the ARIA charts! Spin came
in at number three . Way to go Darren!
There is a small article/column on Darren on Pg. 78 of the April issue of 'Seventeen
Thank you Kirsten for the following info: Insatiable has officially been added to the N1
playlist (new clips) and will be shown around 16 times during the following week on the
'VIVA-Germany Playlist'.
Thank you Tiara, click here to
read an article with Darren in this months issue of 'Youth Quake' magazine (from
Darren is heading to Australia in April for the promotion of Spin. Here are the details:
Thursday 4th April
- Sydney Showcase @ City Live, Fox Studios
Saturday 6th April
- CH[V] interview and performance on Jabbas Morning Glory
- Sanity Instore Signing at Fox Studios
Monday 8th April
- FoxFM Rooftop Performance
- Melbourne Showcase @ Jam Factory
Tuesday 9th April
- Rove[Live] - performance (Channel 10 Australia)
Thursday 11th April
- Warner Bros Movie World - press conference and Showcase
Taylor James (the DJ at Hot 106.7) was kind enough to post the transcript of her interview
with Darren. Click here to read the
Thank you Kirsten for the reminder that Darren will be on VIVA-Germany today at 1pm CET
(Central European Time) and the show will be repeated again on Sunday at 9am CET and at
5pm CET.
Thanks Spinner for the following information: Attention Australian fans, head to www.take40.comto enter the Darren Hayes
competition. One lucky person and a friend will get to meet Darren at their closest city
(Sydney, Brisbane, or Melbourne)
Apparently there is going to be an instore signing at fox studios on April 6th with
Thanks goes out to Hannah. Apparently Darren's next single will be 'Strange Relationship'.
There is a review of spin at the billboard
site. Click here to read the
Thanks Aya! Darren is on the cover of the March 21st 'Hit Magazine' (Australia). Click here to see the cover.
Click here to read the
article with Darren in yesterdays 'Herald Sun Hit Magazine'. Thank you Decemberstar for
sharing this.
Thank you Renee for the transcript with Darren on Star 94 in Atlanta yesterday. Click here to read the transcript.
Click here to read the transcript
with Darren on today's 95SX radio in Charleston, South Carolina. Thank you Francesca for
typing this.
Thank you Janet, here is a scan of a current ad for Spin by Target stores. Click on the
image to see it in full size.
Click here to read the
article in this month's issue of 'Cosmo Girl' magazine.
Click here to read a Spin
review from the Nine
MSM website.
There is an interview with Darren in the latest issue of 'More Magazine'. Click here to read it.
Thanks Sasha! Click here to read the
transcript from tonights show with Darren on Carson Daly's Top 10 (Kiss108 FM).
Thank you Kelli for the following articles that are in today's issue Adelaide Advertiser.
Click here to read the
article about 'Spin' and click here
to read the article about 'Insatiable'.
Thanks Spinner for typing up the spin review in todays Daily Telegraph. Click here to read the review.
Thanks again to Spinner for typing up the spin article in todays Daily Telegraph. Click here to read the article.
Thank you Dyan! Click here to
see stills of Darren from this morning's Early show (CBS).
Thank you Guynemer for telling us that Darren will be doing an interview on Star94
tomorrow morning on the Steve and Vikki Morning Show. He will be answering questions and
performing live on the air. He will not be in Atlanta because it is a Satellite hook up.
Most likely from New York.
Attention AOL Australia Users: Win tickets to see Darren in Concert / AOL Webchat Chat
with Darren For people who use AOL in Australia, Don't miss your opportunity to chat with
Darren Hayes on Friday April 5, 8pm AEDT and watch him live on the Webcam. Ask him about
his hit single, Instatiable, and what it was like making his first solo album, Spin. AOL
members also have the exclusive opportunity to see Darren Hayes perform live in concert
during his Australian Tour promoting his new album Spin. Darren is only performing in
Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane so tickets are limited to AOL members residing in these
cities. There is a total of 150 double passes available, 50 in each city. Entry is only
open to AOL members in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. One entry per person. If you are in
Australia and use AOL you should see the links to enter, when you open up AOL.
Thanks Lain for the following information:
Thursday, March 21 Darren will NOT be on MTV TRL Thursday 21st,
but he will be on Carson Daly's RADIO show.
On Thursday, March 28 Darren will be on The View - check local listing.
Click here for all the
lyrics to the songs on Darren's album 'Spin' as well as the lyrics to his B-side 'Lift Me
Thank you MissRose for typing up the transcript with Darren on the 'Early Show' (CBS) this
morning. Click here to read the
Thank you Galadriel for the transcript with Darren on this mornings WKNS Radio (North
Carolina). Click here to read it.
Thank you Blom for typing out the artical thats in this mornings Dutch TV Guide. Click here to read the article.
Attention UK fans! You can now own two rare unreleased demo recordings from Darren and a
CD Extra Bonus Video for Darren's latest smash hit "Insatiable"! Darren's new
single, 'Insatiable,' is now available in the UK in two different exclusive CD editions!
Version 1 includes 'Insatiable' and the sultry demo version of 'Ride' and the Bonus Video
for 'Insatiable'. Version 2 includes 'Insatiable' and the intimate demo version of
'Falling At Your Feet'! If you can't find the limited edition 'Insatiable' singles at your
UK record store, you can order it online by clicking here
Click here to see what USA today
had to say about Darren's album, Spin.
Yippy!!! Darrens album, 'Spin' has been released today in Canada and the US. Yeppers, I
bought my copy first thing this morning =)
Darren will be making a very special appearance on 'The Early Show' tomorrow (March 20th)
to perform his new hit single, 'Insatiable' and chat with Jane Clayson about his debut
solo album 'Spin.' The CBS Early Show airs from 7am-9am. Check your local listings.
There is a review of Spin in this months issue of 'Q Magazine'. Click here to read the article.
There are two small articles with Darren in this months issue of 'Blender' magazine. You
can view these articles by clicking here
Click here to see stills
from when Darren was on Capital FM this month. Thank you Francesca for these!
There is an article about Darren in this months issue of 'Pulse' magazine. Click here to read the article
Darren was in yesterdays Queensland Sunday Mail Article. Click here to read the article and
thanks goes out to Genine for typing it up.
Apparently 'Spin' comes with unlockable Bonus Tracks and when you put the CD into your
computer and click on the 'bonus' you will be directed to a website to unlock them. The
bonus tracks are called 'Lift Me Up' and 'Sara'.
The store 'Target' in the USA has the 'Spin' CD with a bonus song
Darren is in this months issue of 'Cosmo Girl' magazine. There's a little article about
him and what he does if he has a day off and there is also an album review.
Thank you Deb for writing up the transcript from when Darren was on Heart FM radio last
night. Click here to read the
Click here to read the article
of Darren that's in today's issue of the Sunday Times in Malaysia.
Thank you Genine for writing up the article that is in today's Sunday Mail. Click here to read it.
According to TV.com, Darren will be a
guest on 'The View' on March 28th. Click hereto go to The View's webpage to see when that show is broad cast in
your area.
Happy 20th Birthday to me! I know this isn't Darren related but still....*giggles*
Check out the new and improved Darren
Hayes Sony Site. I love the new design. What a great birthday present! The site also
added the following news:
Have a question for Darren? Submit your question and
check back here soon for a special Q&A session with Darren Hayes!
As of March 5 2002, Sony has made the 'Truly Madly Deeply' single
available for purchase again in the USA. This release is part of a celebration of Sony's
platinum releases. The single is available in record stores and stores like Walmart &
Kmart. And you can also order it at Sony Music for
only $3.49 (US). The track listings are as follows:
Truly Madly Deeply - Album Version 4:33
I'll Bet He Was Cool - 4:58
The following is also an image of the CD cover (click on it for a
larger view)
The Pepsi Chart Show is celebrating the release of Insatiable by giving away the following
items: Signed artwork, Savage Garden album back catalogue, 2 DVD complilations, the
Insatiable single, Spin CD, and 5 runners up receive signed photos. You have to register
on their site to enter the contest. Click here
to register.
There will be a radio interview with Darren on HeartFM (England). The DJ posted the
following message on Darren's messageboard:
Hi Guys, My name is PHIL UPTON I am an on-air DJ at 100.7 Heart
FM in Birmingham, England, and I'm just letting you all know that Darren is going to be my
special guest at 11am GMT on Sat (tomorrow) morning... I dropped in on all you Savage fans
when he was last on my show back in November 2000, so if you're listening in tomorrow -
wherever u are, I'll be sure to give you a mention with Darren.. you can e-mail me on phil.upton@heartfm.co.uk or go to our
website to hear the inteview www.heartfm.co.uk
RollingStone.com has added
Darren Hayes to their Artists listing and as well, he now has his own section where fans
can post reviews. Click here
to register and start posting!
Thanks to Jay, apparently El Nuevo Día (Puerto Rico's major newspaper) has dedicated a
full page to Darren on March 14th. There is a nice black and white picture and an article
which mainly summarized Darren's career to this point, and announced that Spin will be
released on the 19th. It also mentioned Insatiable as the current single.
Thank you Aya for scanning the Spin Linear Notes. Click here to see them.
Click here to read a
Q&A article that is posted on the Top
of the Pops website
Thanks Missrose for scanning the article with Darren in the April issue of Rolling Stone
Magazine. Click here
to see the article.
Twizzle typed out the transcipt when Darren was on 'Schooly's Six Slice' (Capital FM) on
March 11th. Click here to read
the transcript.
Missrose has shared scans from the April issue of Smash Hits Magazine. Click here to see them.
Darren has posted a new jounal entry on his site Click here to read it.
Darren's site has been updated
with the following info:
Win Tickets To See Darren In NYC and an Autographed Poster! Ten
Grand Prize Winners will each receive a pair of tickets to see a special live show in New
York next Tuesday, March 19th and a limited edition Spin CD case! *Transportation will not
be provided. Please see official rules for details.
10 Runners Up will each receive the limited edition Spin CD holder and an autographed Spin
album poster!
Enter here to win!
BBC Radio 2 has an audio of their interview with Darren talking about collaboration and
what his vision was for the sound of Spin. Click here
to listen.
Darren revealed in a recent interview with Capital FM that he will perform at the UK's
Party in the Park in July.
Darren's site has been updated
with the following info:
Darren Hayes recently performed 3 songs for UK's Capital FM. Log on to listen to a full length
webcast of this performance at 7pm GMT / 2pm EST on March 18th, 19th, and 20th. Find out
what time this will air in your time zone.
The BBC.co.uk site has Darren's "Tracks of My Years" choices. These are songs
that are listed for days of the week. Check it out by clicking here.
I have the article written out now from this weeks 'Australian Weekender'. Click here to read the
article (as well as see the pictures).
There is a review of 'Spin' up on the bulletin on th Ninemsn.com site. Click here to go to the site and read the review.
Attention Mexican fans, there is an interview with Darren in the Gente section of the
Reforma newspaper.
Thanks Kim for typing the transcript from today's interview with Darren on Signal radio.
Click here
to read it.
Mayte typed up the transcript from today's TV Azteca Interview (Mexico) for us. Click here to read
Thanks goes out to DeeDaz for scanning in the article from this weeks 'Australian
Weekender'. Click here
to see the article.
Thank you Cheryl for typing the review of 'Spin' that's in the current issue of 'Top of
the Pops' magazine. Click here to read the
Darren's site has been updated
with a download to a Darren Spin Player that installs on your desktop. Throughout a two
week period you will be able to listen to whole songs from Spin. Currently 'Strange
Relationship' is available. Click on the image below for a direct link to the player.
Darren is featured in a current magazine from France. Click here to read the
article and see the pictures.
Click here to
read the article about Darren in today's issue of the 'New York Post'.
There is now a Sony Japan Darren Website. Click here to visit the site.
VH1 has added Insatiable to their playlist. You can make your request by clicking here
Darren is in the April 2002 issue of 'Big Hit' magazine with the following picture:
Thanks goes out to Lu for typing out the transcript from the recent MTV Latin show
'Conexion'. Click here
to read the transcript.
Darren is in the April 2002 issue of 'Smash Hits' magazine with the following picture:
Thank you Marie for writing the transcript for the Rix FM (Sweden) interiew with Darren
from March 2. Click here to read the
Darren's site has been updated
with the following:
Support "Insatiable" at US radio!
If you live in the listening area of these stations drop give them a call today to request
KZQZ - San Francisco call: 1-888-876-0957
WFBC - Greenville call : 1-800-849-4688
WKZL - Greensboro call: 1-800-682-1075
Visit the Darren Hayes Rep page to find info on your local station and how to request
You could see Darren live at CapitalFM! They are running a contest for fans to see Darren
and you and a friend can be the first to see him when when he performs live and unplugged
in the Capital FM Living Room on Friday 8th March. Closing date for the contest is
Thursday, March 7th. Click here to go to CapitalFM's website to get more information.
Darren will doing an interview on 'RIX FM' (Swedish radio station) this Wednesday between
6:00 and 6:30 pm.
Darren is in this months issue of Sain Magazine. Click here to see the
There is an article about Darren's single (Insatiable) thats been posted on the 'TV Hits'
Website today. Click here to read
the article.
Click here
to see photos of Darren when he performed at the 'Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week' at Bryant
Park (New York)on February 11, 2002.
Darren was previously interviewed on MTV Latin (Conexion) and the interview will air on
Wednesday March 6th. For more information visit www.mtvla.com (the website is in Spanish).
Thanks to Dyan, she spotted the video 'Insatiable' today on VH1 (USA).
Thank you MissRose for scanning in the articles with Darren from this month's issue of
Smash Hits. Click here
to see the articles (there's three of them!)
Click here to see a
list of upcoming Darren appearances on TV.
The following is the list of release dates for Darren's album 'Spin' for all over the
Japan - Wednesday, March 13, 2002
Asia - Monday, March 18, 2002
Latin America - Monday, March 18, 2002
Australia/NZ - Monday, March 18, 2002
U.S./Canada - Tuesday, March 19, 2002
Europe - Monday, April 1, 2002
UK - Monday, April 1, 2002
Thank you Rebeccah for posting the article from the current issue of Sweden's 'Cosmo'
magazine. Click here
to read it.
Thank to Jenny, click here to
see stills from Germany's 'Interaktiv' TV show.