
Thanks Believe for the info that there is a small picture of Darren at the Serpentine Gallery in the July 15th issue of 'OK Magazine' (UK) (issue 375) on page 120, with Patsy Kensit on the cover.
Thanks Maggz for finding this article about the 'I Miss You' video's technical bits. Click on the image below to read it - it is a PDF file, so you will need Adobe Acrobat read it:
Thanks Clare for the info that highlights from the 'Hulk Premier' will be on ITV (UK) on Saturday at 2pm in which we may catch a glimpse of Darren. :)
Thank Ann for sharing these pictures of Darren on the big screen at 'Party In The Park' yesterday. Just click on any one of the images below to see them all in full size:
Thanks to everyone who went to see Darren at the premiere of The Hulk in London on July 3rd. A bunch of fans took some pictures to share which you can view by clicking here.
CapitalFM's 'Party in the Park' is tomorrow, July 6th. For those of us not able to attend, Capital FM is going to be doing a live broadcast on their online radio. UK fans can also watch the live broadcast on Channel 5. A reminder: Darren will not be singing, but will be onstage for an interview only. He will be arriving at PITP at around 2.30pm and then he is onstage at around 3.30pm to 3.45pm with Beyonce onstage directly after him. Note these are London times (GMT, which is 5 hours ahead of US eastern time). Capital FM also has a feature on their site where you can 'Email the Artists' You can check that out along with all the Party in the Park news by clicking here.
Thanks Janet for the news that Darren has been mentioned in an interview by Clay Aiken, about Darren writing a song for him. Click here to listen to the interview.
To watch the
full Strange
music video,
click on the
image below

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