The Darren Hayes Fanzine site has just been updated with the following news:
We have just received confirmation that the Charlie's Angles Premier is going to be at 7.pm
Tuesday 1st July- Charlie's Angel's premiere.
Location: Odeon, Leicester Sqaure.
Time: 7pm
Thanks Anita for finding these new pictures of Darren on the Wireimage.com website with his new hair... yeppers he has gone back to dark again! :) Unfortunatly you do have to become a registered member to see them in full size.
The Darren Hayes Fanzine site has just been updated with the following news:
Darren will be attending the Charlies Angels premiere on the 1st July
Tuesday 1st July- Charlie's Angel's premiere.
Location: Odeon, Leicester Sqaure.
Time: TBC
Darren has also been invited to the Hulk premier, however due to has busy schedule we are unsure if Darren will be able to attend at this stage... We will keep you posted.
Thursday 3rd July- The Hulk premiere
Location: Empire cinema; Leicester Square
Arrive at 6pm- seated by 6.45pm
The Darren Hayes Fanzine site has just been updated with the following news:
On the 29th of June at 6pm, Darren will be attending the premier of the Hoover Street Revival in aid of The Big Issue Foundation,
which raises money for Homeless.
The Premier will at the Odeon Covent Garden - 135 Shaftsbury Ave London WC2
The film is scheduled to start at 6.30pm.
The Darren Hayes Fanzine site has just been updated with the following news:
Darren has recently been in the UK working on his new album and will be there for another Month or so. For those of you in London, You may see Darren out and about attending some public events. We will let you know confirmed details when we have them
Thanks Malin for finding and sharing these pictures of Darren from www.intertopics.com. Click on the image below that you want to see in full size:
The 4th issue of the 'D-zine' has just been posted off, so D-zine members can expect it in their mail very soon.
Thanks Lowy for the news that there will be a Savage Garden special screening on 'MusicMax' on Monday June 30th at 1pm & 9pm. This is for Australians who have 'PayTV' (Cable and Satellite).
Thanks Susanne for sharing this news. You can now vote for Savage Garden on 'MTV-Europe Top 10 @
MTV-E airs a 'Theme-show' called Top 10 @ 10 weekdays
at 10:00 CET.
Each theme has a playlist and 8 Savage Garden
videos are listed for a theme called 'Viewers choice'
- airing June 27th at 10:00 CET.
The 10 videos that get the most votes will make it to
the show.
So it would be great if everyone could go to their web-site and vote for the Savage
Garden videos. Here are the directions on how to navigate their site and vote:
- Click "Shows and presenters" in the Navigate section
- Click "Top 10 @ 10" in the Interactive section
- Click "Choose"
- Click "S" or enter Savage Garden in the search box
- Click the SG videos of your choice - 1 at the time
- You'll have to choose 5 songs all in all from the
- After clicking 5 videos you'll see a pop-up window
"Wait for your 5 songs to be submitted" - Click OK
- Wait to you see this message "Thank you. The songs
you voted for has now been submitted to the database"
Thanks Zak for typing up the transcript with Darren on 'Top 100 Sexiest VH1 Artists'. Click here to read it.
Thanks Heidi for the news that Savage Garden's 'To The Moon and Back' was #4 on VH1's 'Aussie Top 10' today!
Thanks Ben Carey for the news that on the 'Top of the Pops2' website you can see a video clip of Savage Garden's performance of 'Truly Madly Deeply' that they had on their show on Tuesday. Click here to check it out.
Congrats Darren! He came in at Number 22 in the 'Vh1 Sexiest Survey'. He was the 10th most sexy male in the survey.
Thanks msVader for scanning and translating the article with Darren in the May issue of 'Bravo' Magazine (Russia). Click on the article below to see/read it in full size:
Attention UK Fans... Savage Garden will be on 'TOTP2' on June 10th 6:20pm. So get those VCR's ready!
Thanks Lowy for the news that The Mayday 'Disco Biscuit' Mix of 'Crush(1980ME)' is featured on the new 2 CD compilation titled 'Massive - The Biggest Hits In Dance'
The Darren Hayes Music Fan Club now has the May pictures posted for non-members to see, and has some new pictures for June in the members section. Click here to check them out.
Darren spent 2 hours on chat yesterday answering fans questions. You can read the transcript over on the Fanzine Site under the 'News' section, or you can read it by clicking here.