Darren is featured in the June 2002 issue of Australian 'TV Hits' magazine with Eminem on
the cover. Thanks Aya for this info.
Insatiable - Calderone mix got top marks with 5 stars in the April issue of DMA (Dance
Music Authority) magazine. They also have a review of the mix which you can read by
clicking here.
Thanks Francesca for sharing this.
Thanks Tonia. Here is some Darren chart info for Russia:
MTV-Russia: Insatiable # 5 (up from # 10).
# 3 last week, and # 1 this week.
Radio Europa Plus (the most important one, almost "national" hitlist) Insatiable
# 4 (down from # 3 last week).
Thanks Toby for this information:
Strange Relationship will be released to shops in the third week
of May. More details as they come to hand. Thanks to Roadshow Music.
Here is some short info from Aya and Sony Music Japan where about where Darren will be on
his birthday:
He visits to Thailand around his birthday after he took few days
off in early May. This promotion would be his secound time visit to there since 1997. He
become 30 years old in Bangkok. (yay to Asian/Oceanian time zone)
Thanks Guynemer for putting up the stills from when Darren appeared on 'Nur die Liebe
Zahlt' in Cologne, Germany on April 26th. Click here to see them.
Sorry guys! I came down with the stomach flew and was stuck in bed all of Saturday night
and all of yesterday. So the following is information is news collected from both
yesterday and today. The news on the top is the latest. Sorry again!
Thanks Francesca for the info that Sony Music USA has a fresh new site design (screenshot below). And on Columbia Record's 'Artists'
page you will see a very familiar face front and center, right under the heading, 'The
Reason We're Here.' Click on the images below to see them in full size.
Here is some more chart information for 'Insatiable' and 'Spin' for this weel (April
ARIA Charts for week commencing 29th April 2002
Albums - Spin # 9 (same as last week)
Singles - Insatiable # 16 (down 1 from last week)
Australasian Charts for week commencing 29th April 2002
Albums - Spin # 4 (same as last week)
Singles - Insatiable # 4 (same as last week)
UK Official Charts Dated 28 April 2002
Albums - Spin # 7 (down 1 from last week)
Singles - Insatiable # 12 (same as last week)
New Zealand Charts Dated 28 April 2002
Albums - Spin # 31 (down 9 from last week)
Singles - Insatiable # 2 (down 1 from last week)
There's a small mention of the Spin debut on ETV's site Eonline.com in their music news:
Outside the Top 10, the Blade 2 soundtrack, featuring mostly
hip-hop and electronica cuts, sliced into 26th place. The incarcerated Ol' Dirty Bastard
followed with Trials and Tribulations of Russell Jones breaking in at number 33. ODB just
barely nudged out Darren Hayes, formerly one half of Savage Garden, who landed at 35 with
his solo debut, Spin.
Click here to
read the entire article on their website.
Thanks Gimme Guitars for transcribing the interview with Darren on the 'Fox FM Rooftop'
Appearance from April 8th. Click here to read
Darren is in the May issue oof TOTP magazine. Click on the image below for a larger image.
Here are the current CD charts for 'Insatiable' and Spin'.
United States
Adult Contemporary - # 25 (down 3 from last week)
Insatiable Remixes:
Hot Dance Music/Club Play # 11 (up 1 from last week)
SPIN - 57 (last week 49)
INSATIABLE - 11 (last week 15)
AIRPLAY (INSATIABLE) - 53 (last week 37)
SPIN - 9 (up 19 places from 28 last week)
Insatiable #83 (new in the chats!)
Spin #42 (up 2 from last week, this is week 8)
Insatiable - 20 (up 12 places from 32 last week)
Spin - Guadalajara #3; Monterrey #1; Mexico City # 6
Thanks Malin for finding an article about Darren that she found in her local newspaper in
Sweden. Click here
to read it.
Thank you Dyan for the following information that Darren will be appearing (among other
performers) at the 92ProFM Birthday Bash on May 31st @ 6pm.You can find more details by
clicking here.
Thanks Aya! She has scanned in the rest of the article that Michelle did yesterday from
the May issue of 'Interview Magazine'. Click on the article below to see it in full size.
Darren is in the April issue of the New Zealand 'Creme Magazine'. Thanks Kiri for typing
this article up for us. Click here to read it.
Thank you Prads. Darren is in the current (April) issue of 'The Record Music Magazine'
(India) with a review of Spin. Click here to read it.
The AMG (All Music Guide) is a very respectable music reference book and they have a
review of Spin and a listing of the tracks and all the production credits. Thanks Elaine
for sharing this. Click here to read it.
Darren is in the May issue of 'Interview Magazine'. Click on the image below to see it in
full size, and thanks Michelle for scanning this amazing pic for us!
Thanks to Ciri and Ewa for sharing this. Darren was in Warsaw, Poland on April 22nd and he
taped a show for Polish TVP1. He sang four songs: 'Insatiable', 'Strange Relationship', 'I
Miss You', and 'Crush (1980ME)'. This performance will be on polish TVP1 on May 2nd at
2:30 PM (1:30 PM GMT).
Thanks *vegemite* for finding the lyrics to Darren's B-side song 'Tell Me It's Okay'.
Click here to read
Thanks Jessica for typing up the article from the Sunday Post (Scotland). Click here to read it.
Thanks *vegemite* for typing up the article to go along with the picture from the 'Oz New
Idea' magazine (picture was posted on April 23rd). Click here to read the
article and see the picture again.
Thanks Nat for the info that there is a short article with Darren in the current issue of
'Girlfriend' magazine in Australia.
Darren In New Weekly Australia magazine. Click on the article below to see it in full
size. Thanks Smash for this!
Good news Canadian fans (hey, that's me! hehe)... a post from Carla from the Darren Hayes Sony Site states:
I have the official word on why the Canadian promo has been
Good news is, it's not cancelled, its merely postponed. Strange Relationship will be going
to radio there in May so they are planning to do some promo there around June. So, Darren
will definitely be there at some point!
Apologies for the cancellations but, unfortunately, these things sometime happen. I will
get back to you when I know exact dates and places :)
Thanks Chris. Click here to enjoy a web-interview with Darren from a German radio station
that he visited on Friday last week. Don't be shocked, the moderator translates everything
Darren said into German after he answered the questions. It's so funny!
Thanks Dyan! Click here to see
TV stills from Darren's appearance on NBC's 'Today Show'. Also, click here to read the
Oh no, bad news! Darren Hayes' visit to Toronto has been postponed. There's no new date
announced just yet, but his record label thinks maybe in June sometime (according to
MuchMoreMusic). Thanks mcmug for the following info regarding Darren's appearance on 'Open
I just phoned Open Mike and they confimed that Darren has
cancelled his appearence for next Tuesday 'cuz he couldn't make it to Toronto. The guy
told me that the web-site is not updated but Darren's manager had phoned in to cancel
yesterday. They haven't rescheduled it yet but he suggested me to call back next week.
Huge Tinkerbell for sharing this:
A-HA´s lead singer Morten Harket was at HR3 radio and he said it
is very important that people believe the emotions in his songs, and that his singing
causes emotions in his listeners. And that only very few singers are capable of this and
that Darren Hayes is one of them. He mentioned Darren without being asked about him and
without his name being mentioned before.
EntertainMe.com has a little note about 'Spin' on their site:
With just two albums as part of Savage Garden, Darren Hayes sold
over 20 millions albums worldwide. Now, poised to make his solo debut with Spin, Darren's
first offering brings that sweet full-bodied sound that Darren is known for. Hayes spent a
year co-writing more than 35 songs for this project. Paired down to 12 tracks, Spin is
distinctly Darren Hayes, yet his solo effort is destined to follow in the success of his
past recordings.
Darren's appearance on the Today Show, which was bumped last Friday, has been rescheduled.
It will be on NBC at 8am on Tuesday, April 23rd. Do Not Miss It!
Attention Canadian Fans! Darren will be a guest on 'Open Mike with Mike Bullard' on
Tuesday, April 30th. You cab request free tickets for the show, which is filmed in
Toronto, by calling 1-888-394-MIKE or by clicking on the link below to request from their
Thanks Aya! Australians should be on the lookout for the following magazines that feature

New Idea April 27 issue Brad Pitt & Jennifer Aniston on the
Darren in 1 page with "Darren Spins His Own Disc" story.

Nicole Kidman & Ben Affleck on the cover.
Darren in 2 page with "Spin-Off Success" story Early birthday party in Sydney
Tops of the Pops UK will have Darren on their show again this Friday.
The show is on at 7:30pm Friday April 26th on BBC1 and again at 1:20am Sunday April 28th
on BBC1. Click here to go to the TOTP website.
Perfect Beat.com has a review
about the Insatiable Remixes on their site. Click here to read
the review.
Thanks Francesca! Y-100
Radio has pictures of Darren on their website from when he did an interview with them
earlier this year. Click on any one of the images below to see them in full size and to
see even more images.
Here are the current charts for Darren's CD and single
ARIA Charts - Week Commencing 22nd April, 2002
Albums - Spin - # 9 (down 4 from last week)
Singles - Insatiable - # 15 (down 3 from last week)
Australasian Charts - Week Commencing 22nd April, 2002
Albums - Spin # 4 (same as last week)
Singles - Insatiable # 4 (down 1 from last week)
UK Official Charts - 21 April, 2002 (source dotmusic)
Albums - Spin # 6 (down 1 from last week)
Singles - Insatiable # 12 (up 1 from last week)
German Official Charts - 22 April, 2002 - 28 April 2002
Singles - Insatiable entered the chart # 49 this week.
Attention Switzerland fans! You now have a chance to win some exclusive tickets to
Darren's performance in 'Zurich'. Darren will perform in Zurich for 100 lucky people. The
concert will take place next week, April 25th in Zurich, Kaufleuten. Go to www.win.20min.ch and click on 'hier'.
Then you have to fill in your address and then click ok, and after that, click on 'züruck
zur Clubverlosung'. You then have to choose which competiton, so scroll down to Darren
Hayes. The rest is filled in automatically and you only have to click on 'an Verlosung
teilnehmen'. Thanks Linda for this info!
Here is Darren's Upcoming Schedule:
Sunday, April 21 - Germany TOTP on RTL (7.25- 8.20AM
Uhr)(repeat- taped from Thursday)
Sunday, April 21 - Channel [V] International (Asia) Interview
"Asha Meets Darren Hayes" (taped) 7:30pm
Sunday, April 21 - Darren performing at a promotional taping
in Warsaw, Poland.
Tuesday, April 23 - Stockholm, Sweden promotion concert
Wednesday, April 24 - Vienna, Austria
Thursday, April 25 - Zurich, Switzerland
Friday, April 26 - Cologne, Germany recording a performance
of Insatiable for 'Nur die Liebe zählt'.
Monday, April 29 - Toronto, Canada - an interview on
MuchMoreMusic's entertainment show called "The Loop"
Wednesday, May 1 - Montreal, Canada - Musiqueplus studios for
a live- in-studio interview in the show "Infoplus"
Click on the picture below to see all of the screenshots of Darren's performance on 'TOTP'
in Germany. Thanks Sina for sharing these!
Thanks Asa! MTV India has 2 Darren wallpapers up on their site. Click here to get them.
Thanks Jeannette! There is an article with Darren in the May issue of Germany's 'Rolling
Stone' Magazine. Click here to read it. The article is in German at the moment, but Jeannette
is going to translate it into English for us and as soon as she does that, the English
version will be added.
Darren Hayes will be performing a six track live session for BBC Radio 2 on the Richard
Allinson show today from 3.45pm (UK Time). You can listen online by clicking here
Here are some current charts for Darren's new CD 'Spin' and for his single, 'Insatiable':
Denmark - April 19
Album - Spin # 9 (down 1 from last week)
Single - Insatiable # 4 (up 1 from last week)
Norway - April 19
Album - Spin # 11 (up 3 from last week)
Singles - Insatiable # 8 (up 13 from last week!)
Sweden - April 19
Singles - Insatiable # 11 (up 4 from last week)
Album - Spin # 7 (up 2 from last week)
Radio & Records AC chart Insatiable # 23 - 522 Spins (down 2 and 106 spins from last
week (Insatiable dropped off the other charts)
There is a short funny snippet from the Herald Sun (Australia). Thanks Spinner for posting
ONE red-faced Nova 100 receptionist felt a tad silly after mistaking singer Darren Hayes
for a punter arriving to collect a prize. Hayes replied: "No, I'm actually here to
sell chocolate!" Well, he was sporting a different haircut.
Thanks Brackish for the following info about the 'Today Show':
Due to the Robert Blake arrest, the entertainment feature on
Darren Hayes was bumped from yesterday's programming. A new air date will be posted as
soon as it is confirmed.
Yippy! Attention Canadian fans! Darren Hayes will be coming to Toronto on April 29th and
you can look for him on 'The Loop'!
Thanks Lain for the following information from Much More Music (Canada):
is based on the MMM weekly playlist. The playlist is created based on different criteria,
including radio statistics and album sales. Each week we hold a music meeting where we
review the previous week's rotation and screen new videos. Since the playlist can only be
a set number, as new videos are added, some must be dropped.
Darren Hayes is lucky to have such dedicated fans! ' Insatiable' is a great video and was
a part of our playlist for several weeks. Hopefully, he will release a new video soon and
maybe then you'll have the opportunity to vote for him again on MMM Top5.com.
FYI - Darren Hayes will be coming to Toronto on April 29th. You can look for him on The
Loop, and we're working on the possibility of other programming as well.
Darren was suppose to appear on 'The Today Show' this morning, however it didn't happen
and they are not sure to as of what happened. It may have been because of late breaking
news taking up too much time. However, perhaps we can get them to reschedule Darren!
Please e-mail today@nbc.com and ask them. Maybe if we
all do that, they will see how many of us were looking forward to today and make sure they
reschedule him for us. Thanks Cindy for this idea!
Keystone Canada has some new HOT pictures of Darren! Click on any one of the images below
to see the pictures in full size.

Darren has updated the Sony Darren
Hayes site with a new journal entry including pictures! Click here
to read Darren's journal.
Darren was once again on Viva Interaktiv, and this time he brought along the band and
performed with them. Also, congratulations to Aya for having her e-mail read on the air
during the show. Click on the picture below to see all of the screenshots in full size and
thanks Sina for sharing these!
News from theDarrenHayes.com
newsletter has said to tune into the 'Today Show' to see Darren Hayes. The Today Show is
on NBC @ 8AM Friday April 19. Darren talks to The Today Show Entertainment Correspondent,
Jill Rappaport, about his latest album, 'Spin'. Do Not Miss It!
Darren is in the April/May issue of 'Cream Magazine' in Australia with a four-page spread.
Thanks to Aya, Darlena and CrazyBec for sharing this! Click on any one of the images below
to see the article is full size.
Thanks Ema and Simi for the following info that if you're interested in visiting some of
the other official Sony Music sites for Darren, here are a few of them.
Sony Denmark/Scandinavia;
Sony France; Sony Japan; Sony UK; Sony.nl;
Sony Australia
Click here to read
'Darren Fan Interview Part 5' transcript. Thanks Francesca for posting this for us! This
interview is not yet up on the Darren Hayes Sony site but I do however have the link on my
site. You can watch the interview in quicktime, real video or windows media Low | Medium | Fast.
You can now voice your opinion for what YOU think the next single from Spin should be. If
you go to the news section at darrenhayes.com,
you can now vote for what song you want the next single from 'Spin' should be.
Thanks Magda for sharing the news that it is now 100% positive that Darren will be in
Poland on April 21 and 22, to record a concert for Polish TV. The concert however will be
closed so the only way to get there is to win tickets and only a few will be available.
It has been confirmed that the next single for the USA is *drum roll*.... 'Strange
Relationship'. Thanks Carla for sharing this! (She got the official word).
Thanks globetrotter for the info that after 10 weeks, 'Insatiable' is number 1 on the
official New Zealand charts. Way to go Darren!
There´s a small article in the May Issue of German 'Rolling Stone' Magazine on page 32.
Thanks Jeannette for this info.
Click here to read
yesterday's 'Darren Fan Interview Part 4' transcript. Thanks Francesca for posting this
for us!
Darren will be doing 6 live songs from his new album 'Spin' on Radio 2 on the 'Richard
Allinson Show' this Saturday, April 20. Darren and his band will be performing at 'Maida
Vale Studios'. Unfortunatly there are no tickets for this event as it is for broadcast
purposes only. Thank you Maggz for this info!
HipOnline has an interview with
Darren on their site. Click here to read it.
Thanks Susanne and Cindy for sharing the following info:
Looks like Denmark is going to get "I Miss You" for the
next single. I haven't heard any official word but it was played on Sunday on a radioshow
called Transistor on national radio P3, a show that counts down the Top 5 selling singles
+ "introduces" brand new singles just released for radio stations. Also, Sony
Denmark has made a TV add for Spin - a short clip of the Insatiable video. In the add
Insatiable fades into I Miss You and in the end it says I Miss You on the screen.
Thanks Spike! There is an article with Darren in today's issue of the 'Australian Sunday
Herald'. Click here
to read it.
Thank you S/Girl for the info that Darren will be in Sweden on 23rd and he'll be in Poland
on 21st and 22nd. Note: This hasn't been confirmed anywhere else yet.
Thanks Jeannette for the following info:
Here is programe schedule for Darren on Viva:
- report at "Interaktiv" on 16th at 3pm-6pm
- report at "Planet Viva" on 17th at 6pm-7pm
- report at "Was geht ab?" on 18th at 2pm-3pm
- live appearance at "Interaktiv" on 18th at 3pm-6pm
- report at "Chartsurfer" am 19th at 8pm
The Darren Hayes Sony Site has
been updated with part 4 of the video interview with the questions we (fans) have been
Darren Hayes: The Fans Speak Out, Part 4 of 5 Watch the interview in quicktime, real video or windows media Low | Medium | Fast. There will be a new
clip here each day so be sure to come back to see if your question was answered!
Thanks Nimbe for the info that there is an article about Darren in this months issue of
the Mexican Magazine 'Notas para Ti'. Click on the image below to see the article in full
Thanks Spinme for the following info that Janice Long hasjust confirmed that Darren Hayes
will be in Maida Vale Studios London next Saturday.
Darren is in issue #8 and 16 of 'Cool Magazine' (Russia). Thanks JulyG for these articles.
Click on any one of the images below to see the articles in full size.
Click here to read
today's 'Darren Fan Interview Part 3' transcript. Thanks Francesca for posting this for
An additional Darren picture from the Brisbane Courier Mail Newspaper (April 12) has been
added. Click here
to read the article and see the pictures. Also, there is an article and a picture of
Darren in the April 12th issue of the 'Gold Coast Bulletin Newspaper'. The article is
titled: 'Beattie Spin For Heather' which is a story about how Darren sign a copy of Spin
for Queensland Premier. Click on the image below to see the article / picture in full
For those Australian fans who have Foxtel with the extras package (Disney, FX Womens
Channel, Comedy Channel etc) Darren should be appearing this Thursday morning at 11am on
'The View'. This episode aired in the US on Thursday 28th March but Australia is a couple
of weeks behind. Click here
to go to the website.
The Darren Hayes Sony Site has
been updated with part 3 of the video interview with the questions we (fans) have been
Darren Hayes: The Fans Speak Out, Part 3 of 5 Watch the interview in quicktime, real video or windows media Low | Medium | Fast. There will be a new
clip here each day so be sure to come back to see if your question was answered!
Darren is in today's issue of the 'Australia Sunday Herald Article'. Thanks Spinner for
sharing this. Click here to read the article.
Click here to read
the 'Darren Fan Interview Part 2' transcript from yesterday. Thanks Francesca for posting
this for us!
Thanks Dyan for the following:
Spin is up to #5 (from #7 last week) and Insatiable is holding
strong at #12 (up from #16 last week) and Insatiable is at #3 on the Australasian chart.
Insatiable was chosen the video of the week for the latin channel 'Telehit' and also is
#11 on the 'MTV Top 20' in Mexico. Thanks Nimbe for this info!
More stills have been added from the 'Darren Fan Interview. Click here to
see them!
The Darren Hayes Sony Site has
been updated with part 2 of the video interview with the questions we (fans) have been
Darren Hayes: The Fans Speak Out, Part 2 of 5 Watch the interview in quicktime, real video or windows media Low | Medium | Fast. There will be a new
clip here each day so be sure to come back to see if your question was answered!
Thanks to Zest and Agnes for sharing. 'Spin' debuted at #8 as the highest new entry at the
'Official Danish Album Sales Chart', and 'Insatiable' climbed from last week's #6 to this
week's #5 at the 'Official Danish Single Sales Chart'. Zest also says that due to changes
in Darren's promotion schedule, he won't be coming to Denmark in April afterall, but he
will be coming to Sweden on April 23.
Attention all Sweden fans! A reminder that Darren will be in Sweden on April 23rd and he
will be doing a live performance on Rix FM that day. To win tickets to that performance,
listen to Rix FM and when u hear Insatiable call Rix FM on 0200 - 212 212, and be caller
no 12.
Thanks Anna for the following info:
I was listening to Radio 2 and I heard them mention Darren Hayes
live at Maida Vale Studios. If I understood it correctly, it will be next Saturday.
Thanks to Lena for sharing this. There is an article in the 'Brisbane Courier Mail' today
off the press conference Darren did at Warner Bros. Movie World when he was presentated a
gold and platinum record for his album and hit single Insatiable. Click on any one of the
two of the images below to read it article and see the pictures in full size.
Darren appeared to today's episode of 'Good Morning Australia' on channel 10. You can read
this transcript by clicking here and thanks darrenless for sharing this.
Click here to read
the 'Darren Fan Interview Part 1' transcript from today. Thanks Katt721 for posting this
for us!
Click here to see
stills from the Darren Fan Interview.
The Darren Hayes Sony Site has
been updated with a video interview with the questions we (fans) have been submitting:

Darren Hayes: The Fans Speak Out, Part 1 of 5 Watch the interview in quicktime, real video or windows media Low | Medium |
Fast. There will be a
new clip here each day so be sure to come back to see if your question was answered!
Thanks Prads for sharing this info:
Darren Hayes is featured on the March, 2002 issue of 'The Record'
mag (India). It shows Insatiable at #4 on the Top 10 Int. Chart, based on the judgement of
Channel [V] India. There's a one page article on his career with Savage Garden and as a
debuting solo popstar with his new album 'SPIN'. At the end of the article it says,
'Insiders in the music industry predict that Hayes could even go to number 1 come next
month! He's also the "Ubharta Sitara of the month" (Rising Star of the month) on
HNFM asked Darren some questions that fans submitted on their site. Click here to read the
NineMSN has an article on their site
called 'Being Blond is Fun for ex-Savage Garden Singer." Click here to read the
Thanks darrenless for this info...
On GMA (Good Morning Australia) this morning Darren said that he
will be in the US shortly to promote. He isn't too worried that he's solo stuff hasn't
taken off there yet. It took 6 months before Truly and IKILY where hits
there....Insatiable has only been out 2 months.
Oh wow HOT! Click here to see
screen shots of Darrens BUM from his appearance on 'Jabba Morning Glory' on April 6.
Thanks Bilby for these!
HNFM have exclusive pictures of
Darren at the press conference and launch party in Australia. Click here to see the pictures
on their site.
Thanks Glory Fickwalker for sharing this. There was a clip with Darren talking and shots
from the OLD (the scrapped one) Insatiable video on MTV Australia. The Oz Countdown will
apparently be airing again on Optus Television on MTV Australia at 1pm AEDT on Friday and
again at 1am on Saturday morning. Click here to read the
Thanks Savage Kitten! Paul King on UK VH1 mentioned Spin and the UK fan support that
helped it debut at # 2 on the UK charts today. Click here to read the
Thanks xeno for sharing with us that there is an article in the Australian Sunday Herald
that that puts to rest the negative Darren/Daniel vibes. Click here to read it.
Attention Australian fans! Darren will be on GMA (Good Morning Australia) this Friday
(April 12th) from 9am on Channel 10.
Thanks Hannah typing up the first part of the transcript with Darren on Rove (Australia)
last night. Click here
to read it.
Stacey H. heard Darren's 'I Miss You' playing as background music in today's episode of
'As The World Turns' (a soap).
Lovndarren2 has found an article in the 'Rolling Stone' website which is dated April 4th
so it is pretty new. Click here to read the article.
There is a small article about Darren in this week's 'Music Week' (Australia). Thank you
Spike for sharing this. Click here to read it.
Thank your darrenless for typing up the transcript for Darren's appearance on Jabba's
Morning Glory in Australia on April 6. This is such a funny interview! Click here to read it.
The Sony Darren Hayes site has
been updated with a new journal entry from Darren! Click here
to read the entry.
HNFM has a chance for you to Darren
a question! HNFM will be at the Darren Hayes press conference on Thursday afternoon, and
we are asking all Darren fans to send in their questions to us and we will pick the best
questions and endevour to ask Darren on Thursday! They will also be posting the Q &
A's and putting pictures up on their site afterwards at: http://www.hnfmlive.com E-mail your question to askdarrenhayes@hnfmlive.com.
Thanks Madster for telling us that word has it from Sony-Austria that Darren will be in
Vienna on April 24th. He will be making an appearance on Vera (not sure about that
Thanks Samantha! There is a very short review in today's Australian TV guide. Click here to
read it.
The recent interview Darren had with CapitalFM will be repeated on Monday (today) after 10
PM GMT (5pm EST-US). Click here to
listen online!
Thanks Shayne Haze for the transcript with Darren on Sunrise on 'Prime Time Friday
Morning' (UK). Click here
to read it.
T.M.D has typed up the interview with Darren on 'Sunday Morning Cafe'. Click here to read it.
Thanks lssilver for telling us that FoxFm has put up pictures with their interview with
Darren on their website. Click here to see the pictures.
Thanks Aya! There is a small picture in today's issue of 'Australian Express Magazine'
which is available only with the Sydney Sunday Telegraph newspaper. Click on the picture
below to see it in full size.
Thanks Kaz for typing up the transcript from when Darren was on 'Current Affair'
(Australia) on April 4th. Click here to read the transcript.
Thanks Cadmium Yellow for the info that there is an hour of power with Darren this Monday
at 5pm, on the Austerio network (safm, 2day, fox etc).
Thanks Cher for translating and sharing the scans in the April issue of 'Dutch Glossy
Magazine'. Click on any one of the images below to view the article.
IceGem was kind enough to type up the transcipt from today's interview with Darren on
'Capital FM'. Click here
to read it.
Thank you Elisa for scanning in the following Australian newspaper articles. Click on the
image below to see the article in today's Sun Herald:

Click on the image below to see the article in today's Sun Telegraph:
Thanks Tiara for the following: Promosquad.com is a website where people get to listen to
new stuff and rate them, as well as promote artists, and they have this Jukebox where
people can listen to anonymous music and rate it and Darren's 'Dirty' in on the jukebox!
It's the 2nd track and they play it for 2 minutes twice. Go to Promosquad.com, register, and play
the Jukebox!
Thanks Donna for typing up the transcript with Darren from today's MTV TRL Weekend radio
countdown. Click here
to read it.
Darren was on this morning's Rove on Australian stations nationally. Click here to read the
transcript. Thanks Kes_B for typing this up for us!
The April 5th issue of Australia's 'Pulse Magazine' (the one with Silverchair on the
cover) features Darren Hayes + Daniel Jones in 'New Path's For Pop's Opposites' story with
2 photo's. This magazine is available only with the Brisbane Courier Mail newspaper. Click
below for the full image.
Mal (froggie22 from the BBS) was able to hand give Darren the Fan CD the BBS that he has
been working on. This CD was a collection of poems, artwork and ect. Mal took an amazing
photo of Darren recieving the Fan CD. Click on the image below to see it in full size! You
can also click here to see more photos of the Fan CD. Thanks again Mal!
Thanks Dyan! Apparetly Take 40 (Australia) is going to play Strange Relationship. So be
sure to check your local play times and listen for Darren's new single!
Thanks Kim! Apparently there was an ad on MFM 103.4 (Wrexham and Chester and surrounding
area) that Darren will be on the 'Sunday Morning Cafe' show, this Sunday April 7th. The
show starts at 10am. This must be one of the pre-recorded interviews from last month. This
show is networked across many of the GWRGroup stations, so even if you're not in this area
check this list of GWR Stations here and see if any are your local station. If you're not in the UK
you may be able to listen online here (SGR Colchester) or here (2CR FM)
(see the listen now button top right)
Thanks aya for the following info: There were a few promotional Spin CD cases made in
Japan. Darren loved it.. and took one for himself! These aren't for sale, but I'm hoping
they'll have something similar once Darren's merchandise is available. Click to see full
There is a review about 'Spin' on the Beat.com
website. Click here
to read the review.
DarrensPussyCat has posted a picture of the Japanese Darren promo poster that she got in
her e-mail from a friend in Japan. Click on the poster below to see it in full size.
Thank you sg911911 for posting the transcript of Darren's chat on AOL. Click here to read it.
Thanks ~Sage iMac~. She saw Darren on a TOTP (UK) repeat today!
Tesco.com has a copetition going on at their site in which you can win an exclusive Darren
Hayes prize package including a copy of 'Spin', the complete Savage Garden album back
catalogue, live Savage Garden DVD and signed 'Insatiable' single artwork.' There is also a
Spin review and mp3 song clips to listen to on their site. Click here to go to the
There is a review of 'Spin' in the current issue of 'Play' magazine (Russia). Thank you
Antonina for sharing it with us. Click on any one images below to see and read the
Spin is CD of the week (veckans cd) at the Swedish online music store CDON. Click here
to see it on their site. Thanks EmmaN for this info!
Thank you again Antonina for sharing the article in the curret issue of 'Yes' magazine
(Russia). Click on the image below to view and read the article.
Thanks Ema! eonline.com got a Darren
question in their 'Ask Marilyn' section:
"Dear Marilyn: Do you have any new gossip on Darren Hayes, lead
singer of Savage Garden? Is he dating anyone? Claudia, Boston
Dear Claudia: Aussie Hayes officially split with Savage Garden partner Daniel Jones in
October and has embarked on a worldwide promo tour for his debut solo album, Spin, due out
this spring.The 29-year-old singer says SG fans shouldn't expect the same dance-pop sound
of his former band. Citing early Motown artists as his influences, he says the new CD is
more sophisticated, more lush and very sexy. Hayes doesn't seem to be heavily involved
with anyone right now--not that he has had much time while working on his solo CD--but he
always keeps his personal life close to the chest."
Thanks Anna. Click on the image below to see the article in the May issue of 'Girlfriend
Thanks Pnut for sharing the following info that Darren was mentioned on the television
show 'A Current Affair' and here are the highlights:
1. Strange Relationship Video just finished being filmed
2. Strange Relationship Video released in a "couple of weeks"
3. Darren said him and Daniel are getting along just fine!
4. Daniel said Insatiable gave him "chills" 5. Apparently, today the single (and
they said the album) went #1 in the UK!!!
Thanks Aya. Click on the image below to see the article in the Aussi May issue of 'Dolly
OMG I won!! Dyan and Barbara ran a promotional contest for Darren. The winners were just
announced today and congratulations to all the winners!
Linda (Daz-2002) <--- ME! Grande Prize winner of the autographed poster. :) The ten people that won an autographed cd flat
are: Mousedancing, Binzer, Danielle Moore, Mlue, Savaged babe, Serena, Janice, Jaybelle,
Janet, Shannon
Thanks Spike for uploading the pictures from the 'Girl About Town magazine'. Click here to see them
and read the article.
Congratulations Leonie and Robert as the couple have announced their engagement! Leonie is
Darren's Manager and best friend. Robert is a musician abd songwriter who was with Savage
Garden for a portion of the Affirmation tour and co-wrote the song 'Crush (1980 ME)' with
Darren. Best of luck you two! :)
VH1 has added an Artists section for Darreb. There's even links to TV appearances, a
message board, and a Spin review. Click here to go to VH1.com.
Click here to
read a review of spin from Undercover.com.
Thank you Kiri! Click here to read an article with Darren from the March 30th issue of the
'New Zealand Herald'.
Darren was on today's episode of 'Australia's Today Show' with Richard Wilkins. Click here to
view the click (it's up for only 1 day only at the moment so hurry!)
Thank you Jo for typing up the article in the current issue of 'Heat Magazine' (UK). Click
here to read
A reminder for Australian Fans that Darren will be doing an autograph signing at Sanity
music and an interview/performance at Fox studios. Click here for more information.
Thanks Spike for the following info that if you live in London you'll want to pick up Girl
About Town - it is a freebie mag available only from London tube/train stations. They have
a 2 page article and some new pictures of Darren in the current issue. Click here to read the
interview. The pictures will be up tomorrow night.
Thanks Ema! Darren will be on Jabba's Morning Glory this Saturday on The Chad agent of
Channel [V].
Thank you Francesca for finding the following info from today's Yahoo news:
A Yahoo News report giving album sales for the past week mentions
the first week of sales for Spin, "Other notable debuts included the "Blade
II" soundtrack (Immortal) at No. 26 on nearly 44,000 units moved; Ol' Dirty Bastard's
"Trials and Tribulations of Russell Jones" (D3) sold 35,000 to hit No. 33; and
former Savage Garden star Darren Hayes moved 33,000 copies of his solo disc
"Spin" (Columbia) to reach No. 35."
Darren was on on K-Lite 98.7 Radio in Phoenix, Arizona on March 20th and Sharnell was kind
enough to type up the transcript for us! Click here to read it.
Thanks Candy.C for sharing the following info that some lucky Japanese Fans got an
informational booklet included in the Spin CDs released in their country (along with
stickers, cards, and etc). The booklet includes an interview which Candy has translated
for us and notes about how each song came about (hope to have the song part for you soon).
Click here to read the interview.
Antonina was kind enough to translate the article in the current issue of 'Russian
Magazine'. Click on the image below to view the article and read the translation.
Thank you Cherry for translating the article in today's issue of 'Dutch TV Guide'. Click
on the image below to view the article and read the translation.